Luther Varsity in Southern Africa

A Place of Academic and Professional Excellence

LUSA offers a rich variety of accredited occupational qualifications within the Social, Business and Information Technology sectors.

Our Theology and Ministry qualifications are exciting programmes leading to differentiated ministries within the church and society. These qualifications introduce professional accreditation of Pastors in the context of Ministerial work through a National Quality Council.

Our Child and Youth Care qualification is a deeply engaging aspect of Social and Diaconal work. This programme enables the society to care for its most vulnerable members; the children and youth, especially at this time where communities are facing often insurmountable challenges of unemployment, child headed households, the effects of HIV and AIDS and rampant crime.

Our Leadership Development, Generic Management as well as New Venture Creation qualifications are dynamic programmes in the Business realm. Our Information Technology qualifications in the areas of Systems Support, Systems Development, Technical Support and End-User Computing open a wealth of opportunities within the digital economy.  Newest amongst our programmes is the Domestic Services qualification which provides empowering skills and knowledge to the Home Executive.

LUSA offers this selection of qualifications within the Social, Business and Technology sectors to prepare our students and society at large for Africa’s “new dawn” as expressed by South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa. Africa’s bright future begins with quality education that develops the necessary skills, reinforces the moral fabric and promotes ethical and inspirational leadership.

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