I, the applicant, hereby:
(a) have ensured that the application form is completed as fully and as accurately as possible to avoid delay in processing.
(b) acknowledge that acceptance of my Application is subject to space availability for the particular programmes, as well as my eligibility as prescribed by Admission Requirements to the Programme of interest. As such, space is limited, and the onus rests on me to ensure that completed Application forms, and required supporting documentation, are submitted timeously.
(c) acknowledge that that submission of an Application and payment of applicable fees, does not ensure final acceptance Into the Varsity, nor ensures placement in Varsity owned/managed residences. LUSA reserves the right to reject any Application which is incomplete, or which does not adhere to the requirements as set out in the Student Handbooks and other official regulations or documentation.
(d) declare that all information in this document is true and correct, and that I voluntarily provide LUSA with the information contained in this document, and consent to the collection of this information, and for processing this information to enable the LUSA to consider and process my application.
(e) acknowledge that in the event that my uploaded documents and/or information, as contemplated in clause (c) above, are found to be fraudulent, the LUSA reserves Its right, In Its absolute and sole discretion, to withdraw my admission to the LUSA.
(f) grant permission to the LUSA to enquire about and verify my qualifications already obtained, or any other information entered on this application form.
(g) acknowledge that the Varsity is not under any obligation to accept me as a student, and that admission to the Varsity is the prerogative of the applicable Varsity selection office under which my studies will fall.
(h) acknowledge that I am submitting this application freely and voluntarily. If I am a legal minor, I confirm that my legal guardian/parent is fully aware and supportive of my application to this institution.
(i) understand that acceptance of my application does not obligate me to study at this institution, nor does it imply that I am automatically regarded as a student, until I have formally registered as such and have paid the required fees, as stipulated in the Varsity guidelines.
(j) hold myself responsible for the payment of all fees and charges due and payable by me to the Varsity for all courses for which I register. If I am In arrears, I will be liable to pay Interest at the rate of 1% per month from due date until date of payment and I will be liable for all costs of recovery, including fees charged by attorneys on the scale as between attorney and client and collection commission. I understand that payments received will be allocated to clear unpaid interest first, followed by the oldest debt. If I do not inform the Registrar in writing of withdrawal from studies or a course by the prescribed date(s) I will be liable for full fees even if I do not make use of LUSA facilities. I understand that if I am a non-South African student who qualifies for local fees, the minimum initial payment of academic and residence fees must be made prior to registration.
(k) accept, agree and understand that LUSA keeps and processes data from electronic and other documents (such as those provided in this Application), uses and transfers such data and documents as is Applicable (such as but not limited to, submission of data for the National Learner Record Database and other returns required by the Department of Higher Education and Training. LUSA may obtain any corroborating documentation from external bodies as relating to this Application and subsequent Admission decisions. LUSA may report to my parents or legal guardian and/or the person responsible for fee payment details of my academic progress. LUSA places records of qualifiers and academic records in the public domain.
(I) accept that I am responsible for updating my personal details and will notify LUSA of any changes.
(m)vow to keep abreast of any procedures, rules and regulations of LUSA and undertake to abide by the rules of the Varsity.
(n) International students: acknowledge that In terms of the Immigration Amendment Act 19 of 2004 any prospective student coming to the Republic of South Africa, must provide proof of medical cover with a medical scheme registered in terms of the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 Act 131 of 1998. The Luther Varsity in Southern Africa thus only accepts South African Medical Aid products approved In terms of the Medical Aid Schemes Act referred to above. Such cover must cover the minimum of hospitalisation, emergencies and day-to-day cover including medicine and doctor's visits. It is thus advisable to make the necessary financial arrangements for the medical aid cover prior to your entry into South Africa.