Luther Varsity in Southern Africa
A Place of Academic and Professional Excellence
Theology & Ministry
NQF 2 | SAQA ID: 48891 | 120 Credits
NQF 4 | SAQA ID: 49057 | 120 Credits
Our accredited Theology and Ministry Qualifications at NQF Level 2 and 4 are designed to equip the graduate with all the necessary theory and practical training for Christian Religious Practice in the denomination of their choice. We will soon be offering our NQF 5 Qualification which will also be the springboard into our proposed degree programme following CHE accreditation and DHET registration.
These programmes provide a solid foundation to Theological and Ministry formation, thus allowing the student to be able to evaluate their own faith development personally and within the community of faith.
Student will be capable of Identifying and explaining central Christian doctrines and history in a way that is appropriate to different contexts, as well as use the Bible and other Christian sources as basic frames of reference to communicate and apply Christian teachings and ethics. Necessary in today’s society, the student will be able to apply their faith transformatively in church and society
The purpose of this Qualification is to recognise those who have the required competence to serve as lay and ordained leaders in Christian communities or community organisations and society.
A further purpose of this Qualification is to produce life-long theological students who are equipped to raise and debate current issues in an African context. This purpose seeks to transform persons, churches and society dealing with power issues such as gender, social economic disparity, disability and the environment from a Christian perspective.
Students who achieve this Qualification can:
- Apply Christian sources in context
- Apply Christian Theology and ethics personally and in community
- Practice ministries in the church
- Practice Christian ministry in the wider community
In addition, students who have achieved this Qualification can perform in all the exit level outcomes listed below.
Is this Qualification Suitable for You?
If you’re already working in a church and other Christian Ministry venture, then this qualification is suitable for you.
The Qualification will provide the opportunity to integrate knowledge of the Christian faith with essential skills to minister and lead Christian communities, as well as develop the values of such leadership.
Candidates who wish to gain an understanding of the Christian faith and those who wish to develop their own faith will also benefit from this Qualification.
In addition, students who have achieved this Qualification can perform in all the exit level outcomes listed below.
This Qualification can be achieved wholly or in part through recognition of prior learning in terms of the criteria laid out.
Evidence can be presented in a variety of forms, including previous local or international Qualifications, reports, testimonials mentioning functions performed, work records, portfolios, videos of practice and performance records.
All such evidence should be judged according to the general principles of assessment described in the note to assessors.
The Qualification consists of a Fundamental, a Core and an Elective Component.
To be awarded the Qualification, students are required to obtain a minimum of 120 credits as detailed below.
Fundamental Component:
The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards in:
- Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4 to the value of 16 credits
- Communication at NQF Level 4 in a First South African Language to the value of 20 credits
Communication in a Second South African Language at NQF Level 3 to the value of 20 credits
It is compulsory therefore for students to do Communication in two different South African languages, one at NQF Level 4 and the other at NQF Level 3.
All Unit Standards in the Fundamental Component are compulsory.
Core Component:
The Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 38 credits all of which are compulsory.
Elective Component:
The Elective Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 296 credits. Students are to choose Unit Standards to a minimum of 26 credits. With the approval of the relevant ETQA students may choose any registered Unit Standard which contributes to the improvement of their work performance or in which they have a particular interest.
1. Describe and evaluate own faith development personally and in a faith community.
2. Identify and explain central Christian doctrines and history in a way that is appropriate to different contexts
3. Use the Bible and other Christian sources as basic frames of reference to communicate and apply Christian teachings and ethics.
4. Apply their faith transformatively in church and society
Critical cross-field outcomes
The 12 critical cross-field outcomes prescribed by SAQA were used in designing the specific outcomes of the Qualification.
A student who obtains the Certificate in Theology and Ministry can:
1. Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made.
2. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community.
3. Organise and manage oneself and one’s activities responsibly and effectively .
4. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information .
5. Communicate effectively, using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation.
6. Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health/well-being of others
7. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem- solving contexts do not exist in isolation
8. Reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively
9. Participate as responsible citizens in the life of local, national and global communities
10. Show cultural and aesthetic awareness across a range of social contexts
11. Explore education and career opportunities .
12. Develop entrepreneurial opportunities
Core | Apply biblical models of transformation to perceived needs of the community | 4 | 4 | |
Core | Communicate personal faith in a range of contexts | 4 | 3 | |
Core | Describe the background, contents and formation of the Bible | 4 | 8 | |
Core | Describe the nature, history and different methods of Christian mission | 4 | 4 | |
Core | Describe the purpose, sources and key elements of Christian doctrine and outline skills to engage with it | 4 | 6 | |
Core | Evaluate your own calling and ministry within the church and the community | 4 | 4 | |
Core | Explain and apply Gospel texts | 4 | 6 | |
Core | Identify basic Christian values and apply them to one’s own life and community | 4 | 3 | |
Fundamental | Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication | 3 | 5 | |
Fundamental | Interpret and use information from texts | 3 | 5 | |
Fundamental | Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes | 3 | 5 | |
Fundamental | Write texts for a range of communicative contexts | 3 | 5 | |
Fundamental | Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems | 4 | 6 | |
Fundamental | Engage in sustained oral communication and evaluate spoken texts | 4 | 5 | |
Fundamental | Read analyse and respond to a variety of texts | 4 | 5 | |
Fundamental | Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts | 4 | 4 | |
Fundamental | Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes | 4 | 5 | |
Fundamental | Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues | 4 | 6 | |
Fundamental | Write for a wide range of contexts | 4 | 5 | |
Elective | Apply Christian ethical decision-making to current situations | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Apply key Christian doctrines | 4 | 5 | |
Elective | Build relationships with children | 4 | 15 | |
Elective | Demonstrate an understanding of Christian Spirituality | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Demonstrate an understanding of key Christian concepts in African context | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Describe and apply Christian Education | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Describe and apply Christian pastoral counselling skills | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Describe and explain the theology of baptism and the baptismal practices of the student’s faith community | 4 | 5 | |
Elective | Describe Christian foundations in the early centuries | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Describe the development of your congregation and denomination within the broad development of Christianity in Southern Africa | 4 | 6 | |
Elective | Describe the theology of the Eucharist and the eucharistic practices of the student’s faith community | 4 | 5 | |
Elective | Describe, analyse and apply Christian responses to death and bereavement, prepare for a funeral service, vigil or memorial service and explain the elements of the service. | 4 | 6 | |
Elective | Describe, discuss and apply Christian responses to witchcraft and sorcery | 4 | 4 | |
Elective | Equip others for children’s ministry | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Explain and apply New Testament letters | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Explore key Christian concepts in African context | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Help a community care for its children | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Help children grow in Christian maturity | 4 | 15 | |
Elective | Help emotionally wounded children towards healing | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Help families care for children | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Initiate a ministry in a church or community for people living with HIV/AIDS | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Investigate a narrative book | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Involve children in the ministry of a faith community | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Manage a children’s ministry | 4 | 15 | |
Elective | Minister to children in their early childhood | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Outline and discuss the history of Christianity in Africa | 4 | 6 | |
Elective | Outline the development of Christianity in Southern Africa | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Outline the history of Christian iconography, identify various ikons and explain their significance | 4 | 3 | |
Elective | Outline the history of Christianity in a particular place, period or region | 4 | 5 | |
Elective | Prepare and deliver sermons | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Serve as leader in children’s ministry | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Understand children’s ministry | 4 | 10 | |
Elective | Use an investigation of Biblical prophecy to identify modern prophetic voices | 4 | 6 |
Source: South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)